Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

The Planet Jupiter

     Alright, today I'd like to post another of my computer task. My class were given the project of making an outer space object using CorelDraw. So I decided to make the planet Jupiter and its moon Callisto. I make this using the Fountain Fill tools and the Texture Fill tool. The result I must say is satisfactory if compared to the real Jupiter. However, considering the limited capabilities of CorelDraw, it is quite nice I'd say. That's why I was very happy with this work. Okay, now I'd like to tell you how I make this picture.
        The first thing you need to do is finding the picture of Jupiter (or any other planet you wanted). Then, make a sphere and copy it many times. Then look back at the planet's picture. In this case, you'l see that there is some layer in the planet surface (it was very noticeable). The objective was to recreate this layer using the techniques I was just about to explain.
         This is the method I use to make a layer. First, select one of the spheres. Then use Texture Fill to insert the texture that is most similar to the planet layer's texture. Make sure you select the right color for each of the textures elements. You may need to experiment over and over to get the best matching result. After that crop the texture from the sphere, taking only the part you'l need  to create your layer. Repeat the process until you had all the textures you'l need. Also, make sure that some of  the parts are overlapping each other (not to much just a little).
            After that select one of the sphere. Use Fountain Fill to make color layers according to the planet layer's color. This will become the base to the planet picture. Then select the each of the layer that overlap the layers besides it. Give transparency to these layer. Than put all the layer to the base sphere, with the layers without any transparency first. Then put the layer with transparency. For the moon, simply make a sphere that were given texture fill. For the space backgrounds, again use texture fill. Okay that's all. I hope this article is useful.
The result

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Prologue To World War 2

German troop entering the demilitarized zone of Rhineland

     World war 2 started on 1 September 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland. Poland wasn't Hitler first demand. Before he invade Poland he had first annexed both Austria and Czechoslovakia. It first started when Hitler attempt to rebuild the German army. It was an secret act, yet even before he reign he had write in the Mein Kampf that he will abolish the treaty. On 1935 Hitler openly abolish the treaty. He make an agreement with the British that the German Navy force may expanded  up to 35% of the British Navy.
U-Boat Type IA, one of the earliest U-Boat. The Versailles Treaty prohibit the German Navy the possession of submarine. Germany however had been secretly developing submarines by producing it for other country navy.
   After the rearmament act Hitler claim back the demilitarized zone of Rhineland(1936). Then he annex Austria into Germany. His last tolerated action was the annexation of Czechoslovakia. At first he claimed the Sudetenland, a Czechoslovakia territory it was a region with a major population of German descendants during 1938.
Sudetenland German Greeted German Soldiers
   During the Munich Conference, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agree that Hitler may annexed Sudetenland. The reason the British did this is to prevent Hitler from waging war. In return, Hitler promised not to make any further territorial demand in Europe.
British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shake hands with Hitler in the Munich conference
     The act of annexing Czechoslovakia territory is however, was done not only by Germany. Both Poland and Hungary also annexed a part of the Czech territory. On 14 March 1939 Slovakia separate itself from the Czech in 14 March 1939 forming the Slovak Republic, a client state of Nazi Germany. The next day the German Army invade the rest of Czechoslovakia.
    Its president meet Hitler and get a heart attack after told that if the Czech army does not surrendered they will bomb Prague. As a result the Czech president  Emil Hácha decided to accept Germany occupation of the rest of Czechoslovakia. That same day the Czech region of Carpathian Ruthenia declared independence and was immediately annexed by Hungary.
German troop entered Prague
  Czechoslovakia was however the last time the Western Allies accept Hitler demand. A few months after that Hitler invasion of Poland will trigger the most devastating conflict in the twentieth century.

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

World War 2


 Hello readers! Today I'd like to make an entry to my history post. As I like war history as a hobby  like I am very excited to start posting my knowledge of world war 2. 
      So, what do you people have in minds when thinking about world war 2? Most of you will probably said Hitler and his NSDAP, the Holocaust, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Pearl Harbor, and etc. Of course world war 2 isn't just that. I personally very interested in world war 2.
 I hope my post will be helpful and useful.
For starters, do anyone know who is this person?