Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Merry Christmas Card

Merry Christmas Card

     Hello readers, today I'd like to post about about the Christmas card I had design. I know this is very very late. However, my computer teacher give the task just before Christmas and since I don't have the CorelDraw program in my computer I need to finish it after Christmas.
      Ok, I guess I don't have to explain how to make the the Christmas tree. For the manger I search in the internetn"manger" and found this picture:

      After that I simply trace it and edit it until I'm satisfied (actually my friend give advice to make it better and even help editing it). The result is the manger that you can see on the card design. Both the Christmas tree and manger was colored using Smart Fill Tools.
The Result

  The reason I write the second passage is because many people today had forget the real meaning of Christmas. For a lot of them, Christmas is about holidays and fun things. To make it worse, those fun things is very often are sinful things. Sometimes also people think that Christmas is about sharing time with family. I agree that it is a thing that is reallThat's why, I write the second passage. It is to remind everyone that Christmas is about Jesus born in the world and not about worldly fun.
  I hope this will be a reflection for all of us to remember the true meaning of Christmas. I think taht's all goodbye.