Kamis, 11 September 2014

9/11 Poster

9/11 Poster

      Okay, so my teacher had ask the class to do another project. Since today (the day this post is published) is the anniversary of the 9/11 attack. The teacher had ask the class in advance before today to make a poster about the 9/11 attack. So I decided to make a poster in which the Pentagon building become the o of the 9. While the Twin WTC towers become the 11. Then, I add three planes. Which is the number of planes that strikes the buildings. All of the buildings is 3 dimensional. The plane, however is 2 dimensional.The simple reason for this is simply because it is hard and impractical to make 3 dimensional plane.
        So, how do I make this poster? At first I tried to seek inspiration from the internet. It was a failure. So, then I see my friend's' ideas and get a good inspiration on making the poster. Of course this doesn't mean that my poster is the same with my friend's. It was different with my friends' since it was simply an inspiration. Although it did have similarities with my friends', I simply use it as a basis in which I expand the idea.
        Okay, enough of that. Now I'd like to tell you how I make this poster. I'd start with the "11". The "11" was basically a vertical rectangle. I then give it lines to make it 3 dimensional and have windows resembling the shape of the  WTC Tower. After that I simply copy it to make it into a twin. The"9" is however more complicated. The idea was that it was the Pentagon that had additional shape that make it into a "9".  Just like the "11" I add a lot of lines to make it 3 dimensional.The plane is just some rectangle that was edited into the shape of a plane. Finally, I give colors to the objects. Okay, I guess that is all I had to tell about making the poster. I guess the rest is known to the readers. I hope anyone reading this found this material useful.
The Poster

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